
Terms and Conditions of Sale

If any part of these Terms is found to be void or unenforceable by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such part shall be severed from these Terms, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect.
These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted according to English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts

In these Terms and Conditions (Terms), the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
“you” means the purchaser, person, firm or company who purchases the Goods;
“us” means, Albion Bath Company Limited whose registered office is The Factory, Highbrich Rd, Weeley Heath, Essex  CO16 9BU;
“Contract” means the contract between us and you which shall be deemed to incorporate these Terms;
“Goods” means any goods agreed in the Contract to be supplied by us to you;
“Delivery Address” means the place to which the

Goods are to be delivered as specified by you on the order confirmation;

In these Terms, reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to such statute or statutory provision as amended, modified, re-enacted or replaced from time-to-time;

The Contract between you and us will not be formed until you have agreed and acknowledged its Terms by either, post, fax or email and we have subsequently confirmed your acknowledgement. The Contract shall be on these Terms to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions, including any such terms and conditions that are purported to be included or applied by you. No terms and conditions contained in the confirmation of order, purchase order or other document of yours will form part of the Contract. A person who is not a party to the Contact as detailed above has no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of contact except as expressly provided in this agreement.

The price for the Goods shall, be the price set out on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. You shall pay such deposit as detailed on the order confirmation. Deposits are non-refundable and in the event of any cancellation of order, an additional cancellation fee may also be required as deemed necessary by us.

Payment of the price of the Goods shall be due as detailed in the terms of payment detailed on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. Payment shall not be deemed to have taken place until the receipt by us of cleared funds.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Delivery Address shall be the delivery address as specified on the order confirmation. Goods are only delivered to the exterior of a ground floor location at the Delivery Address. You must therefore make your own arrangements at your own risk if the items need to be transported from the delivery location as we do not provide unpacking or installation services. If delivery is specified to be “ex-works” this shall mean you will collect the Goods from our works. The order confirmation will detail the week of delivery. We will contact you by telephone and/or email approximately five days prior to the date of delivery to advise you of the day of delivery. Any dates specified by us for delivery of the Goods are intended to be an estimate only. If no date is specified for delivery of the Goods, delivery shall be within a reasonable time. You must do all that you reasonably can to enable delivery to take place at the given time and place. If delivery fails because you have not taken appropriate steps, we will try to arrange for an alternative delivery date within ten days of the failed delivery, however the next available date may be up to six weeks later. In this event, we will still require payment of any outstanding monies as detailed on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. If delivery fails as a result of circumstances within your reasonable control, the cost of any re-delivery shall be borne by you. If we are unable to arrange a date for redelivery we may cancel your order and refund to you the price that you have paid for the goods, less the failed delivery costs.

Risk in the Goods shall pass to you on arrival at the Delivery Address as specified by you on the order confirmation, unless the Goods are ex-works, when risk shall pass to you upon collection. Notwithstanding delivery having been made, title in the Goods shall not pass to you until you have paid the price for the Goods in full and no other sums whatsoever shall be due to us from you. Until title in the Goods passes from us, you must hold the Goods on a fiduciary basis as bailee and store them at your own cost separately from all other Goods in your possession and marked in such a way that they are clearly identified as our property. You must not destroy or deface any identifying mark on the Goods or their packaging and you must maintain the Goods in satisfactory condition insured with our interest noted on the policy and hold any proceeds of such insurance on trust for us and not mix them with any other money.

We shall have no liability to you for any failure or delay in supply or delivery or for any damage or defect to Goods supplied or delivered hereunder that is caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts and other industrial disputes).

All products supplied by us come with a 12 month guarantee. Any guarantee periods longer than this quoted for particular products are provided by the manufacturer and are not in any way endorsed or backed by us. We pass on manufacturers warranties in good faith but we do not endorse them and they form no part of your Contract with us. For the avoidance of doubt if the manufacturer becomes insolvent you accept that the additional guarantee is lost.

Faulty Goods
You must inspect the Goods at the time and point of delivery and notify us immediately of any problems with the Goods. We will either make good any shortage or non-delivery; replace or repair any Goods that are damaged or defective upon delivery; or refund to you the amount paid by you for the Goods in question. If you wish to make a claim under our guarantee, you should notify us in writing and return the Goods in question to us so that they may be inspected. Any Goods returned to us should be covered under separate carriage with appropriate insurance arranged by and at your cost. We shall not be liable under our guarantee if you make any alterations or repairs to the Goods without receiving prior written agreement from us to do so. Our liability under our guarantee shall be limited to repairing or replacing the Goods in question as appropriate. Any Goods replaced under guarantee are only covered from the original purchase date.


Any unused/unwanted Goods will be subject to a restock charge of 15%. Goods will only be accepted if they are complete, undamaged, in saleable condition in their original packaging and accompanied by their original receipt within a period of 28 days following delivery. In the case of goods marked ‘SPECIAL’ on your order confirmation, no changes are allowable after you have agreed, acknowledged and returned the order confirmation to us by post, fax or email and we have accepted the returned confirmation as appropriate. In this instance, if changes are required, full payment may be required for the unwanted ‘SPECIAL’ goods. ‘SPECIAL’ goods, therefore, by their nature are non refundable and cannot be returned for credit.
If you are buying as a ‘consumer’, as defined in The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, so long as you notify us within fourteen days of delivery of your intent to return the goods under the regulations, and the goods are undamaged, in saleable condition and in their original packaging, you are able to return the goods and obtain a full refund of the price paid.  In this instance no restocking charge is applicable.  The goods are required to be returned within fourteen days of notifying us of your intent to return.
Note: As detailed in The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 any goods that have been personalized (eg. Painted/burnished etc.) to your specification are excluded from the above.

We shall have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation other than any refund we make under these Terms. Our liability to you shall not in any event include losses related to any business of yours, such as loss of profits or business interruption; neither will we be responsible to you for any other loss which is not a foreseeable consequence of us being in breach of these Terms or our legal duties. This does not affect your statutory rights if you are a consumer, nor is it intended to exclude our liability to you for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence. Goods are intended for use in the UK only and we cannot confirm that the goods comply with any laws, regulations or other standards applicable outside the UK.
All Goods are sold in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and are subject to any qualifications, representations or instructions contained in the documentation associated with the Goods. If you are a trade customer we will not be responsible to you or, in the event that you are undertaking work for another person, to any other person, for the use or installation of any Goods by you. Accordingly, if you are a trade customer, you hereby agree to hold us harmless, and indemnify us against any liability associated with, any claim or allegation that we are responsible for any failings in the installation or use of Goods that we supply.
We are manufacturers and retailers only and not technical experts in the field of building, heating, plumbing, bathroom or electrical installation. Our staff are instructed to be as helpful as possible but not to give any form of technical advice.
If you have any technical queries, they should be directed to a suitably qualified professional. You agree that any advice given by a member of our staff will not be relied upon without verification by a suitably qualified professional. We therefore cannot accept responsibility for any damage caused by your reliance on any such advice.
We make every effort to try to ensure that the Goods we supply comply with any measurements we provide. However, due to the nature of the Goods, dimensions of certain items may vary by up to 5%

Privacy Policy

The Albion Bath Company Limited  – Privacy Notice (revised May 2018)

This document refers to personal data, which is defined as information concerning any living person/business (who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to protect and enhance the rights of Data Subjects. These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain.

Personal Data
In the course of your enquiry with us for information on our products, The Albion Bath Company Limited will collect the following initial personal information when you provide it to us;

• Your name, address, telephone number and email address.

The Albion Bath Company Limited uses this information collected from you to provide product brochures, literature and quotations. From time to time, The Albion Bath Company Ltd will make telephone contact and email you marketing information which The Albion Bath Company Limited believes may be of interest to you and/or your business. In you making initial contact by enquiring of our products, you consent to The Albion Bath Company Limited maintaining a marketing dialogue with you until you either opt out/unsubscribe (which you can do at any stage) or we decide to cease promoting our Company and products to you. Further data may therefore be collected about you from records of our correspondence and phone calls following your enquiry.

Details of any visits to our website, including but not limited to personally identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses may from time to time be used by The Albion Bath Company Limited to identify its visitors and to also collect statistics about the behaviour of visitors to its website.

The Albion Bath Company Limited’s website uses cookies, which is information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns.  The Albion Bath Company’s webserver uses cookies to help The Albion Bath Company Limited identify and track visitors and their website access preferences.

Note: Any visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should therefore set their browsers to refuse cookies before using The Albion Bath Company Limited’s website.

The Albion Bath Company Limited will only collect the information needed so that it can provide you with marketing information on its own products, it does not sell or broker your data.

Legal basis for processing any personal data
To meet The Albion Bath Company Limited’s contractual obligations to clients and to respond to marketing enquiries.

Legitimate interests pursued by The Albion Bath Company Limited and/or its clients
To promote the products offered by The Albion Bath Company Limited.

By agreeing to this privacy notice you are consenting to The Albion Bath Company Limited processing your personal data for the purposes outlined. You can withdraw consent at any time by emailing or writing to us, see last section for full contact details.

The Albion Bath Company Limited may on occasions pass your Personal Information to third parties exclusively to process work on its behalf (e.g. Albion product mail cards etc.). The Albion Bath Company Limited requires these parties to agree to process this information based on our instructions and requirements consistent with this Privacy Notice and GDPR.

The Albion Bath Company Limited may disclose your Personal Information to meet legal obligations, regulations or valid governmental requests or to fulfil a contract or delivery on your behalf. The Company may also enforce its Terms and Conditions, including investigating potential violations of its Terms and Conditions to detect, prevent or mitigate fraud or security or technical issues; or to protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of The Albion Bath Company Limited, its clients and/or the wider community.

Retention Policy
The Albion Bath Company Limited will process personal data during the duration of any contract and will continue to store only the personal data needed for seven years after the contract has expired to meet any legal obligations. After seven years, any personal data not needed will be deleted.

Data storage
Data is held in the United Kingdom using different (multiple) servers. The Albion Bath Company Limited does not store personal data outside the EEA.

Your rights as a Data Subject
At any point whilst The Albion Bath Company Limited is in possession of or processing your personal data, all Data Subjects have the following rights:

• Right of access – you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.
• Right of rectification – you have a right to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
• Right to be forgotten – in certain circumstances you can ask for the data we hold about you to be erased from our records.
• Right to restriction of processing – where certain conditions apply you have a right to restrict the processing.
• Right of portability – you have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation.
• Right to object – you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.
• Right to object to automated processing, including profiling – you also have the right not to be subject to the legal effects of automated processing or profiling.

For further information on these rights, please see the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Should you wish to exercise your right to any of the above, please;
• Email, telephone or write to us.

You should;
• Let us have sufficient information to correctly identify you by providing us with proof of your identity and address (eg. copy of your driving license/passport and a recent utility bill or credit card statement).
• Let us know which right you wish to exercise/the information you are requesting.

 At any time, if you wish to unsubscribe from any of our email newsletters, this can simply be done by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ button on the newsletter.

In the event that The Albion Bath Company Limited refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why, which you have the right to legally challenge.

The Albion Bath Company Limited, at your request, can confirm what information it holds about you and how it is processed

You can request the following information:
• Contact details of the person or organisation (The Albion Bath Company Limited) that has determined how and why to process your data.
• Contact details of the data protection officer, where applicable.
• The purpose of the processing as well as the legal basis for processing.
• If the processing is based on the legitimate interests of The Albion Bath Company Limited or a third party such as one of its clients, information about those interests.
• The categories of personal data collected, stored and processed.
• Recipient(s) or categories of recipients that the data is/will be disclosed to.
• How long the data will be stored.
• Details of your rights to correct, erase, restrict or object to such processing.
• Information about your right to withdraw consent at any time.
• How to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Data Protection Regulator).
• Whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well as whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of failing to provide such data.
• The source of personal data if it wasn’t collected directly from you.
• Any details and information of automated decision making, such as profiling, and any meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and expected consequences of such processing.

To access what personal data is held, identification will be required
The Albion Bath Company Limited will accept the following forms of ID when information on your personal data is requested: a copy of your national ID card, driving license, passport, birth certificate and a utility bill/credit card statement not older than three months. A minimum of one piece of photographic ID listed above and a supporting document is required. If The Albion Bath Company Limited is dissatisfied with the quality, further information may be sought before personal data can be released.

All requests should be made to: or by phoning 01255 831605 or writing to us at The Albion Bath Company Limited, The Factory, High Birch Road, Weeley Heath, Essex, CO16 9BU.

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by us, you do have the right to make a formal complaint to us at the above address.  If you do not get a response within 30 days then you have the right to complain to the Data Protection regulator  at or by telephoning them direct on 0303 1231113.

Cookie Policy

The law regarding cookies
The original EU legislation that became known as the “E-Privacy Directive” was published in 2003. It was concerned quite widely with the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. In 2009 the Directive was amended by Directive 2009/136/EC that included a requirement to seek consent for cookies. The EU Directive became law in the UK on 26 May 2011. The ICO (Information Commissioners Office) is responsible for enforcing it in the UK and decided that enforcement would commence from 26 May 2012. As a result of the changes to the law, website owners must now:

i. Tell site visitors that the cookies are there;
ii. Explain to site visitors what the cookies are doing;
iii. Obtain the consent of site visitors to store a cookie on their computer or device.

The ICO advises that website owners take steps to ensure that their users are properly informed about the cookies used by their website. We acknowledge this advice and have therefore put together this Cookie Policy. In doing so we have followed guidelines issued by authorities on the subject of best practice, including the International Chamber of Commerce UK Cookie Guide, which can be located here

What are cookies?
A cookie is a piece of information that a website stores on the website browser on your computer. The browser sends the information back to the website to enable the website to recognise the user. Cookies include information such as the lifetime and expiry date of the cookie, the domain the cookie has come from and an identifier – for example, a random unique number.

Managing cookies using your browser
Internet browsers will usually provide an option to disallow the setting of all or some cookies.

You can find more about using your browser’s cookie settings either via the help menu for your browser or on the browser’s own website.

Cookies can also be deleted by using your internet browser, but you must disallow them otherwise they will be reapplied the next time you visit a website.

If you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.

Further information about our use of cookies
Cookies usually fit into one or more of the following four categories.

Category 1: Strictly Necessary Cookies
These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features. These cookies do not gather any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you’ve been on the internet. We are not required to get your consent to the use of Strictly Necessary Cookies. They last for one “session” and expire when you leave our website or close the browser. Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Shopping cart cookies;
ii. Access to protected areas of a website;
iii. Remembering previously entered text so it’s not lost if the page refreshes.

Category 2: Performance Cookies
Performance Cookies store anonymous information only and therefore cannot be used to identify you. We are required to get your consent to the use of Performance Cookies. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Performance Cookies can be deleted from your browser history at any point before their expiry time. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Analytics;
ii. Advertising;
iii. Pay Per Click.

Category 3: Functionality Cookies
These cookies remember your preferences to personalise your experience on our website. We are required to get your consent to the use of Functionality Cookies. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Functionality Cookies can be deleted from your browser history at any point before their expiry time. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Detecting if you have already seen a pop-up to ensure it doesn’t get shown to you again;
ii. Submitting comments;
iii. Remembering colours, font sizes and page backgrounds.

Category 4: Targeted Advertising Cookies
Targeted Advertising Cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. The information they store is not anonymous. We are required to get your consent to Target Advertising Cookies. We will ask for consent from you to store these cookies on your device using a pop-up, overlay, splash page or header/footer bar. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Collecting information about browser habits to target advertising;
ii. Collecting information about browser habits to target website content.

We will inform you about cookies in these ways:
We have placed our Cookie Policy page as a link on every other page of our website to enable you to see and choose which cookies you allow from us. Please note that disallowing or deleting these cookies may affect the functionality of our website. If a cookie is a Targeted Advertising Cookie we will ask for your consent. We will endeavour to be as consistent as possible in the method we use to ask for your consent to make the user experience as easy to understand for you as possible. We will obtain your consent via a pop-up, overlay or splash page.

This Policy document is relevant only for the cookies within this website. We note that we link to websites that use cookies and refer you to the relevant cookie policies on those other websites for more information. We accept no responsibility for cookies placed on your device by websites we link to.


Holding Deposit

Many of Albion’s products are made to order and as such are delivered some weeks after a deposit has been paid. The purpose of the Holding Deposit is to provisionally hold a production slot open for your requirements for a period of 10 working days after the Holding Deposit has been received. 

We will contact you on receipt of the Holding Deposit to check your order for content and component suitability.  To fully secure your order and progress into production, we will require a Production Deposit that is normally 15% of the total order value. 

Due to the variety and number of product variations, heating products and shower glass require full payment prior to manufacturing. Upon receipt of the Production Deposit, we will send you our order confirmation that will confirm the week of your delivery.

Upon completion of the order and prior to despatch, we will require the balance sum to be paid.

Terms and Conditions of Sale

If any part of these Terms is found to be void or unenforceable by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such part shall be severed from these Terms, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect.
These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted according to English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts


In these Terms and Conditions (Terms), the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
“you” means the purchaser, person, firm or company who purchases the Goods;
“us” means, Albion Bath Company Limited whose registered office is The Factory, Highbrich Rd, Weeley Heath, Essex  CO16 8RP;
“Contract” means the contract between us and you which shall be deemed to incorporate these Terms;
“Goods” means any goods agreed in the Contract to be supplied by us to you;
“Delivery Address” means the place to which the

Goods are to be delivered as specified by you on the order confirmation;

In these Terms, reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to such statute or statutory provision as amended, modified, re-enacted or replaced from time-to-time;

The Contract between you and us will not be formed until you have agreed and acknowledged its Terms by either, post, fax or email and we have subsequently confirmed your acknowledgement. The Contract shall be on these Terms to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions, including any such terms and conditions that are purported to be included or applied by you. No terms and conditions contained in the confirmation of order, purchase order or other document of yours will form part of the Contract. A person who is not a party to the Contact as detailed above has no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of contact except as expressly provided in this agreement.

The price for the Goods shall, be the price set out on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. You shall pay such deposit as detailed on the order confirmation. Deposits are non-refundable and in the event of any cancellation of order, an additional cancellation fee may also be required as deemed necessary by us.

Payment of the price of the Goods shall be due as detailed in the terms of payment detailed on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. Payment shall not be deemed to have taken place until the receipt by us of cleared funds.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Delivery Address shall be the delivery address as specified on the order confirmation. Goods are only delivered to the exterior of a ground floor location at the Delivery Address. You must therefore make your own arrangements at your own risk if the items need to be transported from the delivery location as we do not provide unpacking or installation services. If delivery is specified to be “ex-works” this shall mean you will collect the Goods from our works. The order confirmation will detail the week of delivery. We will contact you by telephone and/or email approximately five days prior to the date of delivery to advise you of the day of delivery. Any dates specified by us for delivery of the Goods are intended to be an estimate only. If no date is specified for delivery of the Goods, delivery shall be within a reasonable time. You must do all that you reasonably can to enable delivery to take place at the given time and place. If delivery fails because you have not taken appropriate steps, we will try to arrange for an alternative delivery date within ten days of the failed delivery, however the next available date may be up to six weeks later. In this event, we will still require payment of any outstanding monies as detailed on the order confirmation and/or any associated documentation. If delivery fails as a result of circumstances within your reasonable control, the cost of any re-delivery shall be borne by you. If we are unable to arrange a date for redelivery we may cancel your order and refund to you the price that you have paid for the goods, less the failed delivery costs.

Risk in the Goods shall pass to you on arrival at the Delivery Address as specified by you on the order confirmation, unless the Goods are ex-works, when risk shall pass to you upon collection. Notwithstanding delivery having been made, title in the Goods shall not pass to you until you have paid the price for the Goods in full and no other sums whatsoever shall be due to us from you. Until title in the Goods passes from us, you must hold the Goods on a fiduciary basis as bailee and store them at your own cost separately from all other Goods in your possession and marked in such a way that they are clearly identified as our property. You must not destroy or deface any identifying mark on the Goods or their packaging and you must maintain the Goods in satisfactory condition insured with our interest noted on the policy and hold any proceeds of such insurance on trust for us and not mix them with any other money.

We shall have no liability to you for any failure or delay in supply or delivery or for any damage or defect to Goods supplied or delivered hereunder that is caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts and other industrial disputes).

All products supplied by us come with a 12 month guarantee. Any guarantee periods longer than this quoted for particular products are provided by the manufacturer and are not in any way endorsed or backed by us. We pass on manufacturers warranties in good faith but we do not endorse them and they form no part of your Contract with us. For the avoidance of doubt if the manufacturer becomes insolvent you accept that the additional guarantee is lost.

Faulty Goods
You must inspect the Goods at the time and point of delivery and notify us immediately of any problems with the Goods. We will either make good any shortage or non-delivery; replace or repair any Goods that are damaged or defective upon delivery; or refund to you the amount paid by you for the Goods in question. If you wish to make a claim under our guarantee, you should notify us in writing and return the Goods in question to us so that they may be inspected. Any Goods returned to us should be covered under separate carriage with appropriate insurance arranged by and at your cost. We shall not be liable under our guarantee if you make any alterations or repairs to the Goods without receiving prior written agreement from us to do so. Our liability under our guarantee shall be limited to repairing or replacing the Goods in question as appropriate. Any Goods replaced under guarantee are only covered from the original purchase date.

Any unused/unwanted Goods will be subject to a restock charge of 15%. Goods will only be accepted if they are complete, undamaged, in saleable condition in their original packaging and accompanied by their original receipt within a period of 28 days following delivery. In the case of goods marked ‘SPECIAL’ on your order confirmation, no changes are allowable after you have agreed, acknowledged and returned the order confirmation to us by post, fax or email and we have accepted the returned confirmation as appropriate. In this instance, if changes are required, full payment may be required for the unwanted ‘SPECIAL’ goods. ‘SPECIAL’ goods, therefore, by their nature are non refundable and cannot be returned for credit. If you are buying as a ‘consumer’, as defined in The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, so long as you notify us within seven days of delivery of your intent to return the goods under the regulations, and the goods are undamaged, in saleable condition and in their original packaging, you are able to return the goods and obtain a full refund of the price paid. In this instance no restocking charge is applicable. Any goods required to be returned for whatever reason must be accompanied by a completed returns form and sent via a signed for post/delivery system where any damage can be claimed for under appropriate insurance and at your cost.

We shall have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation other than any refund we make under these Terms. Our liability to you shall not in any event include losses related to any business of yours, such as loss of profits or business interruption; neither will we be responsible to you for any other loss which is not a foreseeable consequence of us being in breach of these Terms or our legal duties. This does not affect your statutory rights if you are a consumer, nor is it intended to exclude our liability to you for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence. Goods are intended for use in the UK only and we cannot confirm that the goods comply with any laws, regulations or other standards applicable outside the UK.
All Goods are sold in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and are subject to any qualifications, representations or instructions contained in the documentation associated with the Goods. If you are a trade customer we will not be responsible to you or, in the event that you are undertaking work for another person, to any other person, for the use or installation of any Goods by you. Accordingly, if you are a trade customer, you hereby agree to hold us harmless, and indemnify us against any liability associated with, any claim or allegation that we are responsible for any failings in the installation or use of Goods that we supply.
We are manufacturers and retailers only and not technical experts in the field of building, heating, plumbing, bathroom or electrical installation. Our staff are instructed to be as helpful as possible but not to give any form of technical advice.
If you have any technical queries, they should be directed to a suitably qualified professional. You agree that any advice given by a member of our staff will not be relied upon without verification by a suitably qualified professional. We therefore cannot accept responsibility for any damage caused by your reliance on any such advice.
We make every effort to try to ensure that the Goods we supply comply with any measurements we provide. However, due to the nature of the Goods, dimensions of certain items may vary by up to 5%

Privacy Policy

The Albion Bath Company Limited  – Privacy Notice (revised May 2018)

This document refers to personal data, which is defined as information concerning any living person/business (who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to protect and enhance the rights of Data Subjects. These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain.

Personal Data
In the course of your enquiry with us for information on our products, The Albion Bath Company Limited will collect the following initial personal information when you provide it to us;

• Your name, address, telephone number and email address.

The Albion Bath Company Limited uses this information collected from you to provide product brochures, literature and quotations. From time to time, The Albion Bath Company Ltd will make telephone contact and email you marketing information which The Albion Bath Company Limited believes may be of interest to you and/or your business. In you making initial contact by enquiring of our products, you consent to The Albion Bath Company Limited maintaining a marketing dialogue with you until you either opt out/unsubscribe (which you can do at any stage) or we decide to cease promoting our Company and products to you. Further data may therefore be collected about you from records of our correspondence and phone calls following your enquiry.

Details of any visits to our website, including but not limited to personally identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses may from time to time be used by The Albion Bath Company Limited to identify its visitors and to also collect statistics about the behaviour of visitors to its website.

The Albion Bath Company Limited’s website uses cookies, which is information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns.  The Albion Bath Company’s webserver uses cookies to help The Albion Bath Company Limited identify and track visitors and their website access preferences.

Note: Any visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should therefore set their browsers to refuse cookies before using The Albion Bath Company Limited’s website.

The Albion Bath Company Limited will only collect the information needed so that it can provide you with marketing information on its own products, it does not sell or broker your data.

Legal basis for processing any personal data
To meet The Albion Bath Company Limited’s contractual obligations to clients and to respond to marketing enquiries.

Legitimate interests pursued by The Albion Bath Company Limited and/or its clients
To promote the products offered by The Albion Bath Company Limited.

By agreeing to this privacy notice you are consenting to The Albion Bath Company Limited processing your personal data for the purposes outlined. You can withdraw consent at any time by emailing or writing to us, see last section for full contact details.

The Albion Bath Company Limited may on occasions pass your Personal Information to third parties exclusively to process work on its behalf (e.g. Albion product mail cards etc.). The Albion Bath Company Limited requires these parties to agree to process this information based on our instructions and requirements consistent with this Privacy Notice and GDPR.

The Albion Bath Company Limited may disclose your Personal Information to meet legal obligations, regulations or valid governmental requests or to fulfil a contract or delivery on your behalf. The Company may also enforce its Terms and Conditions, including investigating potential violations of its Terms and Conditions to detect, prevent or mitigate fraud or security or technical issues; or to protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of The Albion Bath Company Limited, its clients and/or the wider community.

Retention Policy
The Albion Bath Company Limited will process personal data during the duration of any contract and will continue to store only the personal data needed for seven years after the contract has expired to meet any legal obligations. After seven years, any personal data not needed will be deleted.

Data storage
Data is held in the United Kingdom using different (multiple) servers. The Albion Bath Company Limited does not store personal data outside the EEA.

Your rights as a Data Subject
At any point whilst The Albion Bath Company Limited is in possession of or processing your personal data, all Data Subjects have the following rights:

• Right of access – you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.
• Right of rectification – you have a right to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
• Right to be forgotten – in certain circumstances you can ask for the data we hold about you to be erased from our records.
• Right to restriction of processing – where certain conditions apply you have a right to restrict the processing.
• Right of portability – you have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation.
• Right to object – you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.
• Right to object to automated processing, including profiling – you also have the right not to be subject to the legal effects of automated processing or profiling.

For further information on these rights, please see the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Should you wish to exercise your right to any of the above, please;
• Email, telephone or write to us.

You should;
• Let us have sufficient information to correctly identify you by providing us with proof of your identity and address (eg. copy of your driving license/passport and a recent utility bill or credit card statement).
• Let us know which right you wish to exercise/the information you are requesting.

 At any time, if you wish to unsubscribe from any of our email newsletters, this can simply be done by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ button on the newsletter.

In the event that The Albion Bath Company Limited refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why, which you have the right to legally challenge.

The Albion Bath Company Limited, at your request, can confirm what information it holds about you and how it is processed

You can request the following information:
• Contact details of the person or organisation (The Albion Bath Company Limited) that has determined how and why to process your data.
• Contact details of the data protection officer, where applicable.
• The purpose of the processing as well as the legal basis for processing.
• If the processing is based on the legitimate interests of The Albion Bath Company Limited or a third party such as one of its clients, information about those interests.
• The categories of personal data collected, stored and processed.
• Recipient(s) or categories of recipients that the data is/will be disclosed to.
• How long the data will be stored.
• Details of your rights to correct, erase, restrict or object to such processing.
• Information about your right to withdraw consent at any time.
• How to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Data Protection Regulator).
• Whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well as whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of failing to provide such data.
• The source of personal data if it wasn’t collected directly from you.
• Any details and information of automated decision making, such as profiling, and any meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and expected consequences of such processing.

To access what personal data is held, identification will be required
The Albion Bath Company Limited will accept the following forms of ID when information on your personal data is requested: a copy of your national ID card, driving license, passport, birth certificate and a utility bill/credit card statement not older than three months. A minimum of one piece of photographic ID listed above and a supporting document is required. If The Albion Bath Company Limited is dissatisfied with the quality, further information may be sought before personal data can be released.

All requests should be made to: or by phoning 01255 831605 or writing to us at The Albion Bath Company Limited, The Factory, High Birch Road, Weeley Heath, Essex, CO16 9BU.

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by us, you do have the right to make a formal complaint to us at the above address.  If you do not get a response within 30 days then you have the right to complain to the Data Protection regulator  at or by telephoning them direct on 0303 1231113.

Cookie Policy

The law regarding cookies
The original EU legislation that became known as the “E-Privacy Directive” was published in 2003. It was concerned quite widely with the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. In 2009 the Directive was amended by Directive 2009/136/EC that included a requirement to seek consent for cookies. The EU Directive became law in the UK on 26 May 2011. The ICO (Information Commissioners Office) is responsible for enforcing it in the UK and decided that enforcement would commence from 26 May 2012. As a result of the changes to the law, website owners must now:

i. Tell site visitors that the cookies are there;
ii. Explain to site visitors what the cookies are doing;
iii. Obtain the consent of site visitors to store a cookie on their computer or device.

The ICO advises that website owners take steps to ensure that their users are properly informed about the cookies used by their website. We acknowledge this advice and have therefore put together this Cookie Policy. In doing so we have followed guidelines issued by authorities on the subject of best practice, including the International Chamber of Commerce UK Cookie Guide, which can be located here

What are cookies?
A cookie is a piece of information that a website stores on the website browser on your computer. The browser sends the information back to the website to enable the website to recognise the user. Cookies include information such as the lifetime and expiry date of the cookie, the domain the cookie has come from and an identifier – for example, a random unique number.

Managing cookies using your browser
Internet browsers will usually provide an option to disallow the setting of all or some cookies.

You can find more about using your browser’s cookie settings either via the help menu for your browser or on the browser’s own website.

Cookies can also be deleted by using your internet browser, but you must disallow them otherwise they will be reapplied the next time you visit a website.

If you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.

Further information about our use of cookies
Cookies usually fit into one or more of the following four categories.

Category 1: Strictly Necessary Cookies
These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features. These cookies do not gather any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you’ve been on the internet. We are not required to get your consent to the use of Strictly Necessary Cookies. They last for one “session” and expire when you leave our website or close the browser. Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Shopping cart cookies;
ii. Access to protected areas of a website;
iii. Remembering previously entered text so it’s not lost if the page refreshes.

Category 2: Performance Cookies
Performance Cookies store anonymous information only and therefore cannot be used to identify you. We are required to get your consent to the use of Performance Cookies. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Performance Cookies can be deleted from your browser history at any point before their expiry time. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Analytics;
ii. Advertising;
iii. Pay Per Click.

Category 3: Functionality Cookies
These cookies remember your preferences to personalise your experience on our website. We are required to get your consent to the use of Functionality Cookies. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Functionality Cookies can be deleted from your browser history at any point before their expiry time. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Detecting if you have already seen a pop-up to ensure it doesn’t get shown to you again;
ii. Submitting comments;
iii. Remembering colours, font sizes and page backgrounds.

Category 4: Targeted Advertising Cookies
Targeted Advertising Cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. The information they store is not anonymous. We are required to get your consent to Target Advertising Cookies. We will ask for consent from you to store these cookies on your device using a pop-up, overlay, splash page or header/footer bar. 

Cookies that fall into this category are:
i. Collecting information about browser habits to target advertising;
ii. Collecting information about browser habits to target website content.

We will inform you about cookies in these ways:
We have placed our Cookie Policy page as a link on every other page of our website to enable you to see and choose which cookies you allow from us. Please note that disallowing or deleting these cookies may affect the functionality of our website. If a cookie is a Targeted Advertising Cookie we will ask for your consent. We will endeavour to be as consistent as possible in the method we use to ask for your consent to make the user experience as easy to understand for you as possible. We will obtain your consent via a pop-up, overlay or splash page.

This Policy document is relevant only for the cookies within this website. We note that we link to websites that use cookies and refer you to the relevant cookie policies on those other websites for more information. We accept no responsibility for cookies placed on your device by websites we link to.

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